About me

I’m Mark Wedgwood, and I live in Hathersage, Derbyshire, UK in the beautiful Peak District National Park. After a 30 year career in the global corporate world, specializing in Leadership Development, Diversity & Inclusion, and Cultural Intelligence, I took the chance of an unexpected but very welcome early retirement in Spring 2021. I now spend much of my time on adventure and travel projects, either travelling or writing.

Ever since I first rode in and around my native Yorkshire as a teenager on my first proper bicycle, I’ve been fortunate to spend much of my life travelling widely, at home and abroad, for both work and pleasure. I’m never happier than when I am discovering somewhere new.

I am married with a son and a daughter (twins aged 23). When I’m not walking or cycling, I play bass with a local rock band, Mill Stone Grit.

Me riding the Fred Whitton challenge in the Lake District