05 Benbecula to Peterhead Other

Map 23 – North Skye

The trouble with living in such a wonderfully green country is that, inevitably, it rains sometimes. Especially on the western side of Britain where the Atlantic Ocean meets land, often in the shape of mountains. Here, it rains quite a lot. All year round. Places like the Isle of Skye are known for it. So […]

04 St Kilda to Balintore Other

Map 18 – North Uist / Uibhist A Tuath

Today I cycled almost every road in North Uist. Not literally every mile; but pretty close. Especially those parts that fall within the boundaries of OS map 18. Which is to say most of it. There’s a little bit that falls off the bottom, but that is going to be done next week anyway. In […]