10 Port Wemyss to Eyemouth Other

Maps 66 & 67 – Edinburgh to Eyemouth… and England!

Another hot, sunny day and today no fewer than three riders setting off from Edinburgh’s southern suburbs: myself, Jenni and my brother Paul. A rare treat to have so much in the way of enthusiastic company for the ride to the edge of OS map 67 in Eyemouth, some 58 miles away, plus another 12 […]

10 Port Wemyss to Eyemouth Other

Maps 64 to 66 – Glasgow to Edinburgh

I was a bit worried about this section of my journey. It is a busy part of the country, with two very large cities lying at either side of a heavily populated strip, and a good deal of industry, past and present, thrown in for good measure. Not, on the face of it, a particularly […]