
Cardinal Spins 14: NW – Day 4

The long distance cardinally challenged adventure cyclist has to be ready to react in the face of the unexpected and the inconvenient. I took a train from Hathersage at 7.32am on Tuesday believing I would be cycling in Scotland before noon, but fate had other ideas. I was well on the way, a few miles […]

Cardinal Spins Other

Cardinal Spins 4: ENE – Day 2

I returned to Bolton-upon-Dearne on a beautiful Monday morning in mid-July under a warm sun and the bluest of skies. This – for the moment at least – was much more like summer weather should be. And so – an hour’s train ride and 30 miles from home – my long ride to the Yorkshire […]

Cardinal Spins Other

Cardinal Spins 4: ENE – Day 1

The magic spinner chose East North East as the next ride out of Hathersage – and what the spinner dictates I must obey! That meant a ride of significantly more than 100 miles to the chalk cliffs of the Yorkshire coast at (in fact very slightly beyond) the resort town of Bridlington. In the now […]


Cardinal Spins 3: SE – Day 1: Hathersage to Wellingborough

The magic spinner told me I was going to cycle south east. This meant a trip to London. In fact, my straight line from Hathersage to Hastings passes straight through Greenwich, the home of time, so there was no avoiding a trip through the capital by bicycle. I wanted to put myself within easy striking […]


Answers to questions

I have been asked many questions, some repeatedly (like “Are you camping?” “No!”). However, I was posed three really fiendish questions recently by Tim. My answers took a bit of thinking about. Here they are. 1.  There is a lot of eating in your blog, a lot!  So what was your most memorable meal? More […]


November Stats

In the month of November I rode from Map 193 in Honiton to Map 204 at the very end of my adventure in Fowey, Cornwall. I did it over 3 separate bursts of activity (5 days, 3 days and 1 day) during the best available weather windows. The days were short. It got dark early. […]

27 Land's End to Fowey Other

Maps 203 and 204 – Land’s End to Fowey – the last day!

It had for so long seemed so far away; but all good things must eventually come to an end. Today was my very last day of cycling through all of the OS Landranger maps in numerical order. I had visited the first 202 already in my epic journey that started at the very top of […]

26 Newquay to Torquay Other

Maps 201 and 202 – Dousland to Torquay

After yesterday’s gorgeous ride in sunshine from the wild Atlantic coast in Newquay, across the rolling and at times steep hills of Cornwall and over the River Tamar into Devon, I was now faced with the relatively straightforward task of riding onwards and downwards to the opposite coast at Torquay. The weather was due to […]


November Plans – Final update!

I have made the decision to ride the last 2 maps on Monday 28th November! Jenni and I have just made the 400 mile journey to Lands End. In the morning, after breakfast, we will set out on the 65 mile ride to Fowey, at the far eastern edge of map 204. So far east, […]


October Stats

I had time on my recent long train rides to do some working out of numbers. October was my most productive month of the whole adventure, at least in term of miles and maps covered. I believe I only took 2 days off and they were due to rare instances of foul weather – and […]