Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 5: NNW – Day 5

I changed my plans to give me an easier day today. Only 60 miles instead of 100 miles. I felt I had earned it and it actually made a lot of sense. For one thing I wanted to make a trip to the bike shop in Pitlochry. They had saved me from disaster on my […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 5: NNW – Day 4

I left Edinburgh early because I had a lunch appointment over 40 miles away. I’m lucky to have two brothers who can offer accommodation options for me in nice parts of the southern suburbs, and I had just spent a welcome rest day doing nothing much other than playing table tennis and helping to build […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 5: NNW – Day 3: Brampton to Edinburgh

My days in this adventure kept getting bigger. I would get a day off in Edinburgh at my brother’s house (unless you count helping to build a garden shed); but I had to earn it today. In typical fashion I failed to make an early start and was playing catch up all day long. It […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 5: NNW – Day 2

Leaving Skipton wasn’t easy. For starters, it required an early departure to combat the threat of rain mid-afternoon where I was heading. And an early start is always a stretch for me. It means forcing down the breakfast you know you need, in this case a rather delicious one at our BnB, when you aren’t […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 5: NNW – Day 1: Hathersage to Skipton

To keep this adventure on track, July needs to be a busy cycling month. The magic spinner was spun as soon as we returned home from my ENE ride to Bridlington and the Yorkshire coast at Flamborough. This time the spinner came up NNW – a long ride to Cape Wrath in the wildest extremities […]

Cardinal Spins Other

Cardinal Spins 4: ENE – Day 2

I returned to Bolton-upon-Dearne on a beautiful Monday morning in mid-July under a warm sun and the bluest of skies. This – for the moment at least – was much more like summer weather should be. And so – an hour’s train ride and 30 miles from home – my long ride to the Yorkshire […]

Cardinal Spins Other

Cardinal Spins 4: ENE – Day 1

The magic spinner chose East North East as the next ride out of Hathersage – and what the spinner dictates I must obey! That meant a ride of significantly more than 100 miles to the chalk cliffs of the Yorkshire coast at (in fact very slightly beyond) the resort town of Bridlington. In the now […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 3: SE – Day 3

On Tuesday, in a short break from cycling, Jenni and I went to the RHS flower show at Hampton Court Palace. It was a fabulous location for such a quintessentially British occasion and we had a lovely time, right down to taking afternoon tea among the rose displays. So far it is working quite well […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 3: SE – Day 2: Wellingborough to Canary Wharf

The day began in Wellingborough in promising fashion, as all days in Wellingborough should. Breakfast at the Hind Hotel was an odd affair with an eclectic grouping of guests. The yoghurt and the bowl of Frosties were of the highest quality, the Eggs Benedict a little less so; but beggars can’t be choosers and it […]

Cardinal Spins

Cardinal Spins 2: NE – Day 2

I am a lover of maps, and OS maps in particular; but I’m not so excited by things like sat-navs or Garmins. I know they are extremely useful and very clever devices. I just don’t like to rely on them too heavily. So, when Richard’s Garmin tried taking the three of us towards a high […]