21 Newport to Aldeburgh Other

Maps 154, 155, 156 – Cambridge, Suffolk, and a reunion

Today I had a morning meeting, then I cycled 96 miles, and then I was reunited with a second cousin whom I haven’t seen since we were children. Not for the first time in this adventure, I am discovering (and rediscovering) not only wonderful places; but also really great people in some unexpected places. It […]

21 Newport to Aldeburgh Other

Maps 151, 152, 153 – Three Quarters of the Way!

One of the benefits of staying the night with a close relative is that you get very nicely looked after! I would like to thank Auntie Hilary and Dave for delaying their Sunday roast on my account and especially for the large helping of roast potatoes. I’m using a lot of energy during these big […]

21 Newport to Aldeburgh Other

Maps 145, 146, 147 – Mid Wales revisited

After many hours on five different trains yesterday, a stopover in Cambridge, and a memorable ride through the iconic heart of London on very impressive cycle routes, I landed late in the evening in the very quiet, dark and (tonight) wet surroundings of Goodwick, a village situated on Fishguard Harbour at the end of the […]