20 Aberystwyth to Wymondham Other

Maps 140, 141, 142 – Eleanor revisited

Yesterday took me through the heavily populated West Midlands to Rugby, home of the famous public school where William Webb Ellis first picked up the football and ran with it, creating a new sport. Today promised a more rural day and hopefully less busy roads. The school dominates the centre of the town in an […]

20 Aberystwyth to Wymondham Other

Maps 138, 139, 140 – Clee, Wyre, Clent and Lickey

There are days in this adventure when you cannot altogether avoid a large conurbation. One of the biggest anywhere is the West Midlands and it stands inconveniently in between Ludlow and Rugby, my two end points today. Finding a reasonable and acceptably direct cycle route between them was as tough a route planning challenge as […]