11 Campbeltown to Lindisfarne Other

Maps 68 & 69 – Kintyre: the Mainland Island

Last night’s rain in Campbeltown kept me confined to barracks; but I awoke to a dry, if rather cloudy, morning so I made an early start (for me, at any rate – any day when I am cycling before 8am is early). I was able to cross the Kintyre peninsula to the west coast and […]

11 Campbeltown to Lindisfarne Other

To Map 68 – Mull of Kintyre

Three times a week (but not on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday) a Calmac car ferry sails from Ardrossan, the main port for Arran, to Campbeltown, the remote town that sits at the bottom of the long north-south Kintyre peninsula. By boat it is a journey of 40 miles, around the bottom of Arran and beyond, […]