
May Trip Stats

A few people have been asking me for the numbers so far. As best I can measure it (and it is not an exact science), the stats for May’s section of the RidealltheOSmaps adventure are thus:

Number of OS maps visited in sequence: 18

Number of “official” OS map miles cycled: 474

Number of “unofficial” (extra) miles cycled, not on maps 1-18, or in the wrong direction: 393

Total miles cycled in May: 867

Number of days away from home: 25

Number of separate trains ridden: 10

Number of separate ferry / boat journeys: 18

This is what I set out to do, so I can say that I am “on track” in that sense. This part of the journey was complicated, and the next part will be as well. Plans are progressing and I will be setting off from home again on Monday, with the aim of reaching North Uist and the remainder of map 18 early on Wednesday, and map 19 on Thursday. Watch this space…