
Day 18 – part 2

It is a sign of how hard yesterday’s ride really was that I gave up trying to write about it last night. It’s the first time in 18 days that I needed to sleep more than I needed to finish the daily blog. I’m a night owl and I can usually keep going as long […]


Day 18 – Skye’s the Limit

Today was a long, tough ride and I am glad it is over. It was great in many ways to cross the Isle of Skye, and the scenery was at times spectacular. But the wind was strong, in my face and unrelenting. It also brought with it passing showers that punctuated the sunshine and produced […]

03 Huisnis to Dunrobin Castle Other

Maps 15, 16 & 17

Today started early, and for me that is never easy. My alarm went off at 5.30am and I was on the ferry out of Stornoway at 7am. The sun, which had shown scant interest in the place on my visits thus far, stuck 2 fingers up at the forecast of heavy rain and made it […]

03 Huisnis to Dunrobin Castle

Map 14 – The Golden Road

After yesterday’s good weather and memorable cycling, it was a disappointment to see heavy rain start in Tarbert around breakfast time this morning. I was really hoping for better. Still, things have a habit of working out. I thought final checkout was 10am; but they told me it was actually 11am, so I went back […]

03 Huisnis to Dunrobin Castle

Map 13 – Huisinis Heaven

When Douglas Adams told us the meaning of life, the universe and everything was 42, I am willing to bet he had never cycled the  B887 between Tarbert and Huisinis, on the Isle of Harris, on a gorgeous evening. Since we sadly can’t ask him any longer, I am going to assume I’m right. Because […]

03 Huisnis to Dunrobin Castle

Day 14 – Back to Stornoway

Skin, it is said, is waterproof. Lycra, on the other hand, is not. Good news, then, that on a day of some dampness, my legs were bare from the knee down. The weather was reasonable this morning in Inverness, and I enjoyed a breakfast latte with my Tesco meal deal triple pack bacon and egg […]

02 Carloway to Wick

Maps 11 & 12 – Caithness

I started the day still feeling very full from last night’s delicious venison casserole. Despite this, there was the not-so-small matter of a 3 course breakfast to contend with, which I had ordered the night before. So I had absolutely no reason to worry about running out of energy as I set off for the […]

02 Carloway to Wick

Map 10 – Strathnaver, Bettyhill & Tongue

The line across the top of Scotland continues from where I reached last night in Balnakeil, in a roughly west-east direction. It follows the only road of note, the mostly single track A 838, all the way to my night’s accommodation back at the Strathy Inn. It was a ride of some 53 miles of […]

02 Carloway to Wick

Map 9 – The Road to the Top

I did an amazing thing this evening. Between the hours of  8pm and 10pm, I cycled the A894 and the A838 from the small village of Scourie, at the western tip of OS map 9 Cape Wrath, to Durness, at the top of Scotland. It wasn’t an especially amazing cycling feat in itself. It took […]

02 Carloway to Wick

Map 8 – Steornabhagh agus ceann a Tuath Leodhais

The long distance adventure cyclist has many decisions to make. Today brought that into sharp focus as the weather continued to play a leading part in our trip. We awoke to a dry morning that held the promise of better things to come; but still no let up in the wind, which was blowing strongly […]